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April 11, 2023

Xenina's Keto Starbucks Favs

Feel great and lose it with Keto!

1. To lose weight, and feel great: I drank 2 venti drinks daily, and did not eat very much for the 3 months where I lost the most weight. I quickly lost 30 pounds. I did a little speed walking, and lifted weights. Most days of the week I ate at 10:30 am and then at 3:30 pm. After kicking sugars, I felt wonderful, and had a ton of energy! You can do this too. (Make sure to get  potassium. I use Dr. Berg mix. If you do, you'll avoid the keto flu completely!)

2. I used to take sugar-free vanilla in drinks, but since they charge for it now, I just use Splenda. You'll need to wean yourself, not just off the sugar, but also off the "sweetness" addiction you have. The longer you are on keto - the easier this is!

3. I don't often eat at Starbucks. Even their egg bites have fillers. All fast food underestimates carbs and calories. (Sauces are the worst violators.) Vitamin water is basically sugar.

4. Keep in mind that if you are new to keto, and you're not used to having a lack of sugar, you may want to add 1-2 packets of sugar or Splenda to sweeten some of these drinks in the beginning. Why? I had bad migraines after 2 days of no sugar. It is a drug, and you might have to wean yourself off it. It's worth your time. Just take less sugar every day, until you've replaced all your sugars with alternatives. (It took me about 2 weeks.)

5. Sugar free vanilla, splenda or stevia packets all have about 1/2 carb per packet. Keep your whole day under 20! (Your body might attempt to go back into ketosis when you have not eaten in 5 - 8 hours, but if you're new to keto, it could take 2 days to get back into ketosis.)

6. When you fall out of keto: You might break out, or feel tired. Keep going though! The pimples will go away again. Tomorrow is another day! Drink some bone broth to encourage keto. 

7. Good news! You're fat adjusted?  The longer you are in keto, the more flexible your diet becomes, as your body will stay in keto (even if your carbs are near their limit). We call this being "fat-adjusted". My body now allows about 32 grams of carbs before it kicks me out. Your body will now want to stay in ketosis, so you can eat more carbs.

8. Costs: Keto orders are usually cheaper than regular Starbucks drinks, even with customizations!  Also, Splenda and Stevia packets are free, and widely available at most restaurants,  especially Starbucks  Just ask. It really is worth it in the long run to just add Splenda (or Stevia) anytime that you aren't getting enough sweetness for your taste. It's important to your brain that you have enough sweet flavors when you are new to keto. Keep things tasty enough that it will be attractive enough for you to drink it every time. Keep extra packets on hand, but keep it limited. 

9. After your body and brain have adjusted to these sweeteners, you can use less sweetener. Most everything will taste better! Overall,  it is worth the sacrifices and extra effort to make keto work for you. 

I keep going back to Starbucks, even when I make my own drinks are home. If you really love them, you might want to invent your own "trenta" recipes. Trenta are actually pretty affordable, if you drink a lot of Starbucks.

1. The Keto Frappucino
(3 carbs)
Venti iced Americano
With extra, extra heavy cream
Four splendas
Light ice
With whipped cream

2. Keto Decaf Frappucino
(3 carbs)
Venti decaf Americano
With extra, extra heavy cream
Four splendas
Light ice
With whipped cream

3. Keto Pink Drink
There's no caffeine in this drink, and it's very affordable, so why not just get a trenta size and hydrate yourself? (Trenta is one step larger than venti.) You can add the freeze dried strawberries, but that's 6-10 carbs.  It's up to you where you want to spend those precious carb points.

(2 carbs)
Trenta passion tea
With extra, extra heavy cream
Four splendas
Light ice

4. Keto Chai Latte
(2 carbs)
Venti chai tea
With breve as warm heavy cream
Four splendas

5. Keto Thai Iced Tea

(5 carbs) 
Venti half iced coffee, and half black tea 
Add 2 sugar-free cinnamon dulce
With extra, extra heavy cream
Two splendas
Light ice

1 comment:

  1. Love this web site thanks for reposting this!!! You are adorable

