Renaissance Kingdoms
Technical Support

Xenina is passionate and creative and loves to help. Thank you for visiting!

December 10, 2018

Tremulous Installation Guide and Qkey / GUID

Hooray! Ok, I'm installing Tremulous on a new laptop and so I thought I would create a complete guide. Just give your friends the link to this page when they need help installing or adding a GUID.

1. Install Trem
2. Add the GUID to your Trem
3. Add a HUD
4. Move your qkey / GUID
5. Change your screen size (for widescreen laptops and so on)

1. Install Tremulous
a. Go to
b. Choose Windows tremulous-1.1.0-installer.exe if you have a PC.
c. Look in your download window and double-click on "tremulous-1.1.0-installer.exe". If you don't have a download window, find where you downloaded the installer and double-click on it.
d. If your computer asks if this file is safe, say "allow".
e. Click "I agree", then "Next", then "Install".
f. Open Tremulous. I suggest getting the spider icon onto your desktop and then putting it in quick launch.
g. Before you do anything in the program print this page out and follow these instructions:
* Open Tremulous
* Once open use the ~ key in the upper left hand corner of the screen to open the menu.
* Type these things in and hit enter after each one:

/follow ,
/follownext .
/bind O say Hi everyone.

h. Type on the ~ to close the menu again. Now you can go into the game and look for servers to play on. First thing you need to do is click on Refresh List. This will make sure you download the list of active servers. Now click on Players twice. Find a server with 4-9 players. I suggest a well-know server. Here is a list of the best servers:
EBSF, N, DretchStorm, Skittles, A, Pure Tremulous, FuN, DRU, AA

i. Once in a server just touch the . key to follow players and watch how they play. This is the best way to learn. Then you can talk by touching the T key. If you say something like "I'm pretty new. Any tips would be appreciated." people might talk to you about the game. Clan sites are best for learning because they like to teach and recruit new people. EBSF is our clan, so that's the server you should look for. That is also where I will meet you 100% of the time. : )

2. Add the GUID (updated Trem exe)
a. Open your Trem folder. It should be here: C:\Program Files\Tremulous
b. Find the spider-looking icon (tremulous) and rename it: Trem.bak (This simply holds the regular trem in limbo, because we won't be using it.)
c. GO to
d. Choose linux, mac or win32 (windows).
e. Click on "tremulous.exe". (You don't need the longer named one.)
f. It will begin to download automatically. Your computer may ask if you want to open or download the file and click ok or yes.
g. Right-click on the new tremulous.exe in your download window. Select "open containing folder". It's probably in a download folder (on my computer, it went to the c:\users\ame\downloads)
h. Put the folder next to your Trem folder and drag the NEW spider program (tremulous.exe) into the Trem folder.

3. What's a HUD? A H.U.D. is a heads-up display. Basically, it controls where and how your health, evos, and build points are displayed on the screen. There are several different types of HUDs. My favorite is Volt's. There are 8 different "look" options using Volt's version.

(Note: before installing a new HUD, you MUST uninstall and delete all traces of the old one. I also suggest having a copy of your base folder onhand in case your Trem reverts. [This has happened to me when visiting AA server])

a. Find a HUD that you like in the current HUD catalog. Here is the Nov' 08 catalog:
b. Create a new folder inside your Tremulous folder. Call it "myhudfiles"
c. Click on the word "download" under the HUD that you want and follow the creator's instructions.
d. The hud may download as a "zip" in your download folder.
e. Right-click on the zip file and click on "Extract all". Your computer will ask where you want to put the files. Find your "myhudfiles" folder inside your Tremulous folder and extract them into it. (You can use this myhudfiles folder later too, if you change HUDs.)
f. You may need to create a folder called "ui" inside your "base" folder, which is inside your "tremulous" folder. Follow the instructions in the creator's "readme". It will tell you where to place which files.
g. Make sure to "activate" your HUD by using the command the readme gives you, like: /exec ui/install.cfg
You will have to type or paste that into the Trem console.

{ NOTE: To open the console once inside the game, use the ~ key. A little dos menu will drop down for you to type into. Your first command should be: /follow . - Now whenever you hit the period key, you can follow the players in the game. To install other binds use /bind k say Hey everyone :) (this binds your K key) or /bind p say_team All team members report to base (this binds your P key and will only talk to team members). Only add binds from the main tremulous window, never inside a server or your program may get confused.

To talk in game hit the T key and to team speak hit the Y key. You can change these in your options, but I like using these keys. }

4. Copy your qkey / GUID!!
Yes. Serious instructions on how to copy your qkey over.

a. Find your qkey in your old computer:
(Enable showing of hidden files and folders (if you already haven't)
* C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Tremulous\base if you use vista
* C:\documents and settings\yourname\localsettings\application data\tremulous\base in XP
b. Copy the file called "qkey" onto a flash drive
c. Open the same folder in your new computer. Find the file called qkey in your NEW computer and delete it.
d. Take the flash drive and plug it into your new computer. Copy the file over into your new computer.
e. Start Tremulous and test. If you do not paste a qkey, your computer will generate a new GUID :)

5. Find your monitor's resolution and write it down.
Use these commands one at a time in the console:
/r_mode -1
/r_customwidth 1366
/r_customheight 768

You did it. You're a genius.

Now learn to play:

This is a tutorial on how to be a dretch. I suggest you begin life as a dretch in Tremulous. Just don't die too much. You'll feed the opposing team too many credits and they'll come kill your base. You can also learn to play by being a granger (a building unit) and learn to make a base. Ask for permission and directions from your team mates.

When you are new you should take all orders from your teammates. They know how to play, so take their advice and be sure to ask for help. You'll find at least one or two people on each server who might even like to teach you.

Of course if you add me to MSN I would be happy to teach you when I have time. As my friend Victim says "Practice makes perfect". . . . well, no, but it does make you kick ass. ;)


September 14, 2018

Town Hall Message

Click here to see all Mayoral Tutorials regarding RK
I am Mayor again and have made changes to my previous message:

Newest TH report in the forum. TAVERN FULLY STOCKED! (Need meat? Please shop our tavern!)

========== ANNOUNCEMENTS =========
* Town Hall is Buying ALL Fish Under 16!
- - Go fishing today: MAP:
=== List your fish under 16 to sell them! =====

** NEW!? Please use the New Citizen Program by Buying Our Program Corn! Questions? Mentor: Syseelia, Michael_Gallagher or the Mayor: Xenina.

* Town Danger Code is White (no danger)

* Travel Danger Code is White "low danger" from here to Wigtown, but I suggest that you NEVER travel without a grant.
= GRANTS ARE FREE! = Here is a guide:

=========== - TH MSG MENU - ==========
1) News
2) Food Information
3) How to Help Your Town
4) Economics / Laws /Suggestions
5) Leveling Up
6) Autobuys
7) Suggested Prices
8) Town Statistics

============ - 1) NEWS - ===========
* Short on veggies. I don't see a reason for this, so I'm now suggesting that people Level into vegetables.

* We are short meat, so please butcher some meats or import if you travel! Thanks.

* LADDERS: Please list for £20 and £60 respectively or no one will buy them.

===== - 2) FOOD & STATS/ GIFTS - ====
*HP = Hunger Points

BREAD: 2 HP, 0 Gifts
CORN:: 1 HP, 0 Gifts
VEGGIE:1 HP, 1 Charisma Point
FRUIT: 1 HP, 1 Charisma Point
MILK:: 1 HP, 1 Intelligence Point
FISH:: 2 HP, 2 Intelligence Points
MEAT:: 2 HP, 2 Strength Points

Charisma: Helps you to get hired when competing for a job or to buy or sell items on the market. Example: If Joe has 3 Charisma and Sarah has 1 Charisma Point and both attempt to buy the same bread, Joe will buy the bread and Sarah will not.

Intelligence: Helps you to make more choices when fishing, chopping wood, picking fruit and so on.

Strength: Helps you to fish out further, chop wood higher and so on. Also, Strength Points come into play when you are robbing or being robbed by people on the roads and/or when fighting in an army.

==== - 3) HOW TO HELP YOUR TOWN - ====
* Become a Lord and our town is paid a stipend, just for having you in town.

* Another way to help us out is to pick up food items to sell when you leave town.

*You can also volunteer for a Town Council position.

* MARKET: Our economy is low priced and moving. :)

* Minimum Wage: is currently 14 pounds

* Profiteering on our market is illegal and can be prosecuted.

** If you have concerns on a certain product, please send a note to your Mayor! Also, if you need a loan for any reason, contact the Mayor. Thanks. **

* FORUMS: I highly encourage you to read and post in our forum. To truly play RK is to know the forums. Just click on the word "Forum" below your news scroller. Then click on "Go to the forum with your player's account 'your name here'". Once in the forum, you can scroll down to our county (Galloway) and our town (Whithorn). If you can not see the forums, please check your security.

========== - 5) LEVELING - ===========
*Please notify the mayor with a simple note when you level.*

= TO LEVEL ONE: (If you participated in our NEW CITIZEN program, just send me a note.) I suggest you have 150 pounds before you get a first field. (You'll need some cash for expenses and to hire people). Then please choose:

* VEGGIES!! (You harvest on day 5. No stats needed.)

= TO LEVEL TWO: We have a lot of level twos here. If you are thinking of moving, don't level UNTIL you move, because you lose your workshop when you move. If you do level in Whithorn, I suggest you ask around. Butcher may be a good choice right now.

========== - 6) AUTOBUYS - ===========
Meat: OFF

Please don't use wool autobuy. Thanks!

======= - 7) SUGGESTED PRICES - =======
Corn ____ 2.60 (1hp)
Bread ___ 5.40 (2hp)
Veggies _ 7.70 (1hp, +1 Charisma)

Meat ____ 16.80 (2hp, +2 Strength)
Fish ____ 15.90 (2hp, +2 Intelligence)
Milk ____ 8.10 (1hp, +1 Intelligence)
Wheat ___ 10.10
Flour ___ 12.70
Wood ____ 4.00
HHW _____ 15.00
HC ______ 30.00
Knives __ 14.20
Axe _____ 150
Boat ____ 95
Oar _____ 21 (Only for carpenter use)
Wool ____ 11.25
Hides ___ 15.00
Buckets _ 39.00
Sword ___ 200
Helmet __ 150
Shafts __ 9.00

(THESE MINIMUM prices assume wool=11, hides=15 and wage=21 pounds. Larger items are more difficult to save up to make and therefore may cost more.)
Dress ____ 234 (18 wool, 1 hide)
Shirt ____ 109 (8 wool)
Shoes ____ 28 (2 hides)
Trousers _ 65 (4 wool)
Hat ______ 56 (2 hides)
Rope belt_ 52 (1 hide, 1 wool)
Belt _____ 41 (1 hide)
Boots ____ 86 (4 hides)
Hose _____ 45 (2 wool)
Mantle ___ 246 (15 wool, 4 hides)
Headscarf _28 (2 wool)
Waist Coat_131 (7 hides)
Headdress _78 (2 wool, 2 hides)
Toque ____ 56 (2 hides)
Cloak ___ 175 (4 wool, 7 hides)
Skirt ___ 117 (8 wool)
Apron ___ 116 (6 hides)
Shield ___ 71 (3 hides)

Unhooped buckets = 20
Small Ladder = 20
Large Ladder = 40

========= - 8) STATISTICS - ===========
Number of players, level 0 : 233
Number of players, level 1 : 87
Number of players, level 2 : 59
Number of players, level 3 : 11

Number of wheat fields: 84
Number of corn fields: 51
Number of vegetable patches:95

Number of cow ranches: 13
Number of sheep ranches: 9
Number of pig ranches: 17

Number of cows: 29
Number of sheep: 21
Number of pigs: 35

Number of millers: 20
Number of bakers: 10
Number of butchers: 12
Number of blacksmiths: 12
Number of carpenters: 12
Number of weavers: 14
