Renaissance Kingdoms
Technical Support

Xenina is passionate and creative and loves to help. Thank you for visiting!

June 13, 2015

Tremulous Config, Resolution & Mouse

Alright! Set up Treumlous again, but I had an issue with the mouse. Apparently you have to set up your custom resolution before the program will allow the mouse to work. So, I couldn't even leave the program. I set up Oticz's HUD, since it was the best one that I could find that's actually still online.

So, to drop down the menu, you hit ~. In order to quit Trem before or after doing these things, type in /quit
These are the settings that I used for my screen:

/seta r_mode "-1"
/seta r_customwidth "1366"
/seta r_customheight "768"

Your screen might be different. Excited to get started on Trem again.
