Renaissance Kingdoms
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Xenina is passionate and creative and loves to help. Thank you for visiting!

December 1, 2013

RK Banner Frames & Some FS Avis

Welcome to Banner Secrets #1 - FRAMES

I do believe that all banners should have some kind of frame. Whether black or white or beige frames help to transition the eye from the blank forum page to your colorful and imaginative banners.

These are PNG images that are ready-made frames. Basically, you can save it or copy it right off my page here and paste it on top of any banner. They are thinned out (transparent) to avoid having too much emphasis. To thicken or increase the effect of the frame/border, just post it on your banner twice. These images are all 600 x 200, except for the Feathered one, which is a few pixels short.

Update Nov 2014. Imageshack has proven to be a completely unreliable, money-hungry company. I didn't pay them money and now suddenly,
 they've deleted everything I had on their server. NOT COOL.
I'm unsure if I will post those frame again.
 I'm not sure more than one person ever used them anyway.
 It's a lot of work to upload them all again. :(

My old FS shop:

Just some examples of work I've done. Most are unsigned, but these are all mine.
These are the ones that weren't hosted on imageshack (apparently):

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Renaissance Kingdoms:

