1) It's a good gig. It is. You will get a number % for each click on the fishing map, so level zeros: you
will not get a fish on the first day you fish. Still, it's
great pay! For example, if you click on one spot today and get 80%, that amount will be saved in your account. The next day that you fish, you will only have to get 20% in order to get 100% to receive a fish. Voila! So, the only day that you would not get a fish is the very first day, but believe me, fishing does pay off.
2) The fishing map: Take a look at this page every day and look for a post that was made after reset:
http://fishing.melyadon.info/?village=Ayr (just plug your town at the end of the link)
Look for a post by anyone that fished in Y=0 or Y=1. You can most likely only fish in the bottom row (Y=0), if you have no strength yet.
3) Once you have selected a box, "Fishing" will be your day's activity! If you are new, you will only get one chance to fish, so be careful, there is no coming back possible! You'll want to see if other people have fished on the coastline. You might want to ask someone in the tavern if they can help you.
4) The more strength you have (meat you've eaten), the further out you can fish from the shore - out to row 6 if you have no boat. The more intelligence (fish or milk) you have eaten the more chances you get to fish.
*SP = Strength Point
~ 0 Strength = >You will fish in the first row. (It's labeled as Row 1) ~ 1 Strength => 1 line (So, you need 2 strength points to fish in row 2).
* IP => Intelligence Point (
More chances to get a high yield. 5 points is good.)
~ 0 IP => 2 boxes ~ 5 IP => 3 boxes ~ 10 IP => 4 boxes ~ 15 IP => 5 boxes . . . and so on
You can see the positions (X, Y) in your web-browser's status bar by moving your mouse over the box. (Not in Chrome. I just count boxes over 0,1,2,3) At the end of the day, you fish on the last box on which you clicked (even if you have some move's points left). In this image you see x=7 & y=5 (8th box over and 6 rows up):
Fishing map: Use the fishing map (or forum posts in some cases) to see what else has been found that day, then choose the most productive box for your last turn. (The fishing page tells you how many tries you have left, i.e. 4/5 means you have one try left.)
7) After reset, you will get your fish (1-2 fish). Yes, some days you can get two or even three. Sell any fish for what the TOWN HALL MESSAGE SAYS. Sell it the very next day. Don't build up a collection please. Just list them when you get them and the mayor will buy them when he/she gets a chance.
8) So, if you can fish out to row 5, what is the max yield you can get? The answer is 99%. This chart will give you all max yields:
y/(Y-Axis/Strength) | Min-Yield (%) | Max-Yield (%) |
0 | 69 | 80 |
1 | 72 | 88 |
2 | 74 | 89 |
3 | 76 | 93 |
4 | 77 | 96 |
5 | 78 | 99 |
6 | 79 | 101 |
7 | 80 | 104 |
8 | 81 | 107 |
9 | 81 | 109 |
10 | 82 | 112 |
11 | 82 | 114 |
12 | 82 | 116 |
13 | 83 | 119 |
14 | 83 | 121 |
15 | 83 | 123 |
16 | 84 | 126 |
17 | 84 | 128 |
18 | 84 | 130 |
19 | 85 | 132 |
9) You must own a boat to fish beyond y=6 (row 7). Yield max is 132% at the 20th row (y=19). Boats are 85-100.
You cannot sell the boat once it is placed on you (just like clothes).
Remember you still need a lot of strength and intelligence to fish out away from shore, so don't buy a boat until it's worth your investment.