Click here to see all Mayoral Tutorials regarding RK
Have questions? Write to me above in the chatbox and I shall reply to you in game if you leave me your in game name. - Updated Nov 2012
This is a tutorial for the mayors of Renaissance Kingdoms. Renaissance Kingdoms is a highly complex online multi-player game that can give you hours of endless entertainment. Still, given how complex it is, it can be hard to know how to get started and harder still to get good at the game. However, it has something for everyone.
Have questions? Write to me above in the chatbox and I shall reply to you in game if you leave me your in game name. - Updated Nov 2012
This is a tutorial for the mayors of Renaissance Kingdoms. Renaissance Kingdoms is a highly complex online multi-player game that can give you hours of endless entertainment. Still, given how complex it is, it can be hard to know how to get started and harder still to get good at the game. However, it has something for everyone.
This tutorial was written with Whithorn in mind and was edited for Ayr town. Your town and county may require different prices. I also have a series posted in this University:
* Write the information message -Use this to update the Town's Message. Once changed it can not be put back, so I save the old version in a notepad document before I begin working on a new one.
* Change the autobuy prices -If you do use it just make sure that the autobuy prices are extremely low, so that you don't spend undue monies on it or bankrupt your town
* Buy for Town -This allows you to buy for the town. In a fish town buy fish 1-2 times a day. In a wood town buy wood once a day and then relist it for a higher price. This is how your town makes money. You also want to buy bread, corn and keep a few knives onhand. (If you can not buy you are out of Trading Points. See "civil servants" below.)
* Goods inventory -This is where you find ALL your goods. You can send them to the tavern, a grant and/or sell them on the market or the County Fair.
* Purchase and Sale orders - Shows you what the Town is currently selling.
* Resign -Do not click this. It will not ask you confirm. Upon your resignation the election will start over but no one will be mayor. Make sure that the guard is actively "defending the power". (instructions:
* Manage the militia -I like to have 2 for today, 1 for tomorrow and 2 the day after or 1 today, 0 tomorrow. That way it alternates between 1 and 2 and the criminals can't predict how many you will have. Bump it up to as much as 4 if you have more than 7 strangers/criminals in town. They need more than double your militia to overthrow you. For example if I have 2 defenders, they would need 5 to take the town. Save money by having volunteer defenders.
* Statistics - Tells you how many of what field . . etc. You can only read this in OLD version.
* Manage the taxes - If you DO wages tax it sucks up 5 of your Finance Points (see civil servants below). (Instructions:
* Tax Fraud - List of taxes overdue. You can bring people up on fraud with the PP, but check if they have been in retreat and/or if they have problems first. Never insist on a tax payment when someone threatens to quit the game. Push RK by trying to help pay their late fee. The town gets all that money anyway.
* Assessment sheet - This is your "EVENTS" for the Town Hall. It only shows the last 8 sells, so that's why the Mentor has to sell the New Citizen corn from a grant if you do that program. They can actually keep track that way.
* Manage the ranch keeping - Do not click or use this. It deducts 200 pounds and will KEEP doing it.
* Manage the civil servants and the Town Hall administration - This is how you hire a Level 3 to give us Finance or State points. It will also tell you how many of what points you have.
* File a lawsuit - Uses Judicial points. I never use it. The PP should file all cases for you.
* Grant management - Make grants here. Instructions:
* Assign a chief mentor - This changes who your mentor is and gives them an office.
* Manage the Town Hall's calendar - I hardly ever used. This uses points and notifies anyone who logs in that lives in your town on the day that you tell it to.
* Send a mail to all the town's citizens - This uses communication points, but is a good way to notify people of major changes if you are making a huge change. I ALWAYS use it before I tax, usually giving people 3-7 days notice. However, don't send out too many mails or people won't read them.
Buy Off Market
(Never buy up ALL of the cheapest priced goods, as this will raise the prices in your town and no one wants that. Just purchase some of each price range to encourage the market to stay at the prices you like. If you do buy things make sure to relist things with the prices you want your town to have (or slightly higher so that bakers can sell their own bread). The town hall is a giant profit machine, but it also must regulate prices so that goods do not climb too high in price (or dive too low). )
Bread = Buy bread from your bakers to encourage them to bake. The more you buy, the more they will bake so don't buy too much or too little. Use some bread to stock the Town Hall tavern and relist the rest. (Tavern should contain about 25-50 bread at any one time. It depends on how much bread is and how many bread are listed on the market.)
Corn, wheat and flour can all be purchased and resold to set town prices but you should only do that if your town has a lot of cash.
Fish = Not every County buys fish. Ask your TM.
Wood = If mayor of a wood town you want to buy up the cheapest wood 3.40-3.50 and then relist it (or sell it to County) for 3.85- 3.95.
3) SELLING: (We used to have the ability to sell for 5.01, but that is gone now with the newer version)
Sell to Town
Wood = 4.00 (You'll want about 30-50 wood out at any one time and keep about 75 in the inventory. This does depend on how many bakers you have.)
Iron Ore = 19.00 (You'll want about 10 on the market and keep about 10 in your inventory. Buy it from the TM for 18.50-18.75 so that you can make a small profit for the town. This helps with corruption costs.)
Iron Ore = 19.00 (You'll want about 10 on the market and keep about 10 in your inventory. Buy it from the TM for 18.50-18.75 so that you can make a small profit for the town. This helps with corruption costs.)
(Most TM are trying to help your town make money, so listen to them. Don't put a price too low and lose your town money).
Sell in Tavern
Tavern Prices are variable, but I usually do .05-.10 over what the cheapest price on the market is at the time. Check back often to make sure you're not gonna lose any money. The town hall does pay tavern taxes, so make sure that you make a profit or your tavern will cost you more than it makes.
If you are granted by the County's Trade Minister you'll need to list the iron or wood on the market for the price specified in the grant. Then go to the Town Hall and switch to BUY FOR TOWN. Buy all the items. When you're done the grant should just contain cash. The TM might have placed desired items in the grant description, so buy him the bread, wheat, etc that he asks for. If not ask the TM what he wants you to fill the grant with.
Examples:Iron Ore = Jane, Buy this iron for 18.90 and then fill this grant up with wheat. Then a few corn. - Joe, TM
Wood = Katie, Sell all this bread out. Then please buy your Town Hall's wood for 3.85 each. - Smith, TM
Wood = Katie, Sell all this bread out. Then please buy your Town Hall's wood for 3.85 each. - Smith, TM
4) Inventory VS. Market
Inventory of the Town's goods:
10 loaves of bread (keep a few onhand)
10 bags of corn (keep a few onhand, unless you have a New Citizen Program. . . then you might want to keep 60-70 corn onhand for that grant)
2 fish (don't buy unless you can profit)
5 pieces of meat (keep a few onhand)
10 bags of wheat (keep a few onhand)
7 bags of flour (keep a few onhand)
7 vegetables (don't buy unless you can profit pretty well)
75 wood bushels (Keep 40-60 on market)
16 ounces of iron ore (Sell 10 at a time on Town Market)
1 knife (save 1 in case someone needs it)
If you know you are going to be short on bakers or butchers you'll want to keep more onhand in case the market goes bare. The more healthy your town is the more flexibility you have with this.
5) How to work/Daily chores
Every day look over your market. First check iron and wood to make sure there are enough out.
Next look at prices. Is anything ridiculously cheap that you could make money off of? If so you can buy some of it to export (on the County Fair) or you can just relist it at a slightly higher price plus .01.
6) Financial loss/gain
Your town will lose and gain profit based on what you buy and/or sell for. Please don’t make a huge spreadsheet with all the losses and gains. You’ll just give yourself a headache trying to figure it out. Simply make a financial report every week and then take a look at your overall worth:
Did you make money? Lose it?
Lord Income:Remember that every town receives Lord income when Lords are in your town. Look at that number for the last week. Take note, so that you know what the average Lord income is. Use this number for your weekly spending amount. . . . meaning if you lost excessive monies on militia or on selling at a loss, the Lord income should be the amount you can afford to lose in order to stay even. Lord of the Robe make the town 4 pounds per day. Nobles of the Sword make the town 9 pounds per day, so encourage people to use two tokens whenever they Lord up.
If you gained or lost, adjust something in your buying plan to make up for it or consider raising taxes. The less people you have in town and the lower your town coffers the higher corruption fee your town pays.
7) Help me
Leave me questions on the top of this page. I check it weekly if not more. If you leave your in game name I can find you easier.
What if we have a surplus of bread? I have 300 unsold veggies and 200 on the market. Help!
Even with the best planning, issues always come up. Sometimes they come out of no where. First, count on your town folk to help you out in a crisis. Post a note in your town hall (and or the forums) that veggies are at a surplus and you must sell it. Talk to your Trade Minister and/or county friends and look in the forums. Can anyone absorb this surplus? Are any other towns in need of it? Chances are there are. If you don't already have a Trading Exchange in your County forum then create your own thread for it. There the TM and other mayors can all discuss trades and/or issue that you have.
Take a look at your financial report:
Can you afford to pay some money to get out of this situation? If so, ask for some advice on the matter.
Next lower the price in the town tavern and encourage other taverns to do the same. Changing prices here and there can help a lot. If you need more help look to the county again. A former Mayor or the TM may have great insight and/or be able to bail you out. Your town should never be punished because you were too proud to ask for help.
8) Why?
* Why don't we have any food? We are under seige.
Some armies' tactics are to purchase all of your food so that people's stats are decreased and/or they will retreat. In order to avoid this try to stockpile meat in your home and/or armies. When under siege try to push citizens to take animal and corn fields in order to increase supply. Use the Trading Exchange to trade so that invaders can not buy your goods. Also, keep the taverns stocked up with foods. The invaders can not take food in the taverns (except the town hall tavern).
* Why do you say to keep some corn in the Town Hall?
Corn is a sensitive commodity. It can be bought up by travelers or pig ranchers. Therefore it is always a good idea to keep some held in your inventory, in case your town needs it. Your citizens need to eat it too. When this corn is needed and you list it on your own market, make sure to add your pence to the price, so that you don’t buy your own corn (i.e. 3.21 pounds)
* Why do I need to buy bread regularly? Why should I buy wheat?
You should buy some commodities that are produced from farmers and level two occupations. This is a CAREFUL game! Do not spend too much cash! You want to liquidate goods at every opportunity. Remember cash is better than goods.
The regular buying of things is simply to keep your economy flowing and/or make profit for town hall. If a wheat farmer doesn’t get paid for their wheat they can’t buy bread to eat. If bakers don’t get paid, they can’t buy flour. If the flour doesn’t sell then the millers won’t buy wheat. It is a cyclical dance of your town’s economy and it should be kept moving or your market can become stagnant.
A stagnant market will cause many problems. They can include higher prices, lower prices, instability, public unhappiness and so on. If your market keeps flowing, then these issues can often be avoided.
9)Town Council: If you have a town council, try to give them specific titles and job duties that will serve functions. For example, get a constable and have them check Lavabo for criminals daily. Have them notify you only if there is danger. The County often pays a marshal for you, but if you don't have this service you'll want to hire someone yourself. You can pay them in food, corn, money, anything via grants once a week.
Make sure that they know to kick you in the butt when you need it. They are a great source of new ideas and they can even veto your ideas; pointing out the flaws in it that you didn’t see. They can also travel for grant trading and fill you in on certain issues. A town council should feel valued, but understand that they won’t be doing the actual tasks involved in managing the town.
10 ) Being a Good Mayor
What are the best qualities of a good mayor?
I believe that a good mayor cares most for the people in their town. A good mayor is adaptable to changes and situations. A good mayor tries to accentuate the positive and give praise when it is earned. A good mayor maintains a positive image and good reputation for both them self and their town. A good mayor is flexible. A good mayor does not hold grudges, especially if it is detrimental to trade.
If other mayors, former mayors or townsfolk have concerns you must do what you can to solve the problem. Being a mayor is not for the weak. You will encounter criticisms and many negatives. You will want to quit many times, but remember that you must send negatives up and positives down (just like a good manager in any occupation).
Cooperation: I believe that town and county cooperation is VERY important. As your market prices are affected by other local town and the local travelers you will notice that your commodities can quickly disappear if prices are too low or if your town has a rare item (such as wood). You must safeguard rare items by buying them up quickly and managing your market often. You must also make sure that your prices are comparable to local towns’ prices, so that your market is not pillaged for its cheap goods.
If you gained or lost, adjust something in your buying plan to make up for it or consider raising taxes. The less people you have in town and the lower your town coffers the higher corruption fee your town pays.
7) Help me
Leave me questions on the top of this page. I check it weekly if not more. If you leave your in game name I can find you easier.
What if we have a surplus of bread? I have 300 unsold veggies and 200 on the market. Help!
Even with the best planning, issues always come up. Sometimes they come out of no where. First, count on your town folk to help you out in a crisis. Post a note in your town hall (and or the forums) that veggies are at a surplus and you must sell it. Talk to your Trade Minister and/or county friends and look in the forums. Can anyone absorb this surplus? Are any other towns in need of it? Chances are there are. If you don't already have a Trading Exchange in your County forum then create your own thread for it. There the TM and other mayors can all discuss trades and/or issue that you have.
Take a look at your financial report:
Can you afford to pay some money to get out of this situation? If so, ask for some advice on the matter.
Next lower the price in the town tavern and encourage other taverns to do the same. Changing prices here and there can help a lot. If you need more help look to the county again. A former Mayor or the TM may have great insight and/or be able to bail you out. Your town should never be punished because you were too proud to ask for help.
8) Why?
* Why don't we have any food? We are under seige.
Some armies' tactics are to purchase all of your food so that people's stats are decreased and/or they will retreat. In order to avoid this try to stockpile meat in your home and/or armies. When under siege try to push citizens to take animal and corn fields in order to increase supply. Use the Trading Exchange to trade so that invaders can not buy your goods. Also, keep the taverns stocked up with foods. The invaders can not take food in the taverns (except the town hall tavern).
* Why do you say to keep some corn in the Town Hall?
Corn is a sensitive commodity. It can be bought up by travelers or pig ranchers. Therefore it is always a good idea to keep some held in your inventory, in case your town needs it. Your citizens need to eat it too. When this corn is needed and you list it on your own market, make sure to add your pence to the price, so that you don’t buy your own corn (i.e. 3.21 pounds)
* Why do I need to buy bread regularly? Why should I buy wheat?
You should buy some commodities that are produced from farmers and level two occupations. This is a CAREFUL game! Do not spend too much cash! You want to liquidate goods at every opportunity. Remember cash is better than goods.
The regular buying of things is simply to keep your economy flowing and/or make profit for town hall. If a wheat farmer doesn’t get paid for their wheat they can’t buy bread to eat. If bakers don’t get paid, they can’t buy flour. If the flour doesn’t sell then the millers won’t buy wheat. It is a cyclical dance of your town’s economy and it should be kept moving or your market can become stagnant.
A stagnant market will cause many problems. They can include higher prices, lower prices, instability, public unhappiness and so on. If your market keeps flowing, then these issues can often be avoided.
9)Town Council: If you have a town council, try to give them specific titles and job duties that will serve functions. For example, get a constable and have them check Lavabo for criminals daily. Have them notify you only if there is danger. The County often pays a marshal for you, but if you don't have this service you'll want to hire someone yourself. You can pay them in food, corn, money, anything via grants once a week.
Make sure that they know to kick you in the butt when you need it. They are a great source of new ideas and they can even veto your ideas; pointing out the flaws in it that you didn’t see. They can also travel for grant trading and fill you in on certain issues. A town council should feel valued, but understand that they won’t be doing the actual tasks involved in managing the town.
10 ) Being a Good Mayor
What are the best qualities of a good mayor?
I believe that a good mayor cares most for the people in their town. A good mayor is adaptable to changes and situations. A good mayor tries to accentuate the positive and give praise when it is earned. A good mayor maintains a positive image and good reputation for both them self and their town. A good mayor is flexible. A good mayor does not hold grudges, especially if it is detrimental to trade.
If other mayors, former mayors or townsfolk have concerns you must do what you can to solve the problem. Being a mayor is not for the weak. You will encounter criticisms and many negatives. You will want to quit many times, but remember that you must send negatives up and positives down (just like a good manager in any occupation).
Cooperation: I believe that town and county cooperation is VERY important. As your market prices are affected by other local town and the local travelers you will notice that your commodities can quickly disappear if prices are too low or if your town has a rare item (such as wood). You must safeguard rare items by buying them up quickly and managing your market often. You must also make sure that your prices are comparable to local towns’ prices, so that your market is not pillaged for its cheap goods.